
I’ve read poetry to my children their entire lives. In the early years we use Mother Goose, A Children’s Garden of Verses, and my personal all-time favorite for the early years- A. A. Milne.

When my children are 6 years old they begin Ambleside Online where a variety of poets are scheduled each year. They love listening to poetry. It doesn’t matter how Morning Time is going, as soon as I start reading poetry aloud everybody stills. It has a calming effect. They listen. It’s always amazing to me how much they grasp. Truth be told, my 9 year old has more than once brought clarity to a poem’s meaning that I wasn’t able to offer. Tennyson is scheduled for her this term. Today we read The Lady of Shallot. They were all mesmerized by the sad story and had so many questions. Why was she trapped in the tower? Who took care of her? Where did the mirror come from? Who cursed her? How did she die? Did Lancelot love her? My 7 year old had the idea of making clay models of the Lady of Shallot floating down the river in her boat. I don’t add crafts like this because I don’t typically think they add much value (and I think Charlotte Mason would agree) but if they come up with the idea themselves and we have the time I try to say yes. We also found the poem on YouTube beautifully put to song.

Working hard making clay figures
The Lady of Shallot

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